El Cine
Movie Theater.png
Horario de apertura: 9:00am to 9:00pm
Dirección: En el Almacén de Joja o en el MercaJoja abandonado

"El Cine" es un edificio que permite a los jugadores ver películas, solos o con un invitado, una vez por semana. La semana se restablece el mismo día en que se restablecen los regalos (domingo). Se desbloquea después de completar el Centro cívico. La noche antes del primer día lluvioso o tormentoso después de completar el Centro Cívico, hay una escena de un rayo golpeando las puertas del MercaJoja abandonado. Luego, el jugador puede ingresar al MercaJoja abandonado y encontrar el Lote Perdido. La noche después de completar el Lote Perdido, Los Junimos construirán una sala de cine.

Si los jugadores eligen hacerse socios de Joja, pueden comprar el cine de Morris por data-sort-value=" 500000">Gold.png500 000. El Almacén de Joja se convertirá en una sala de cine.

Los jugadores deben comprar una Ticket de Cine por data-sort-value=" 1000">Gold.png1000 para ingresar al cine. Regalar un boleto a un aldeano los invitará al cine contigo.


Hay 8 películas en total. Las películas se repiten en un ciclo de 2 años, según la temporada en la que el jugador desbloquea el cine. Las cuatro películas del "año 1" se alternarán, seguidas de las películas del año 2 y luego se repetirán. El año en la tabla a continuación se refiere al año en que el jugador desbloquea el teatro por primera vez.

Si al invitar a un aldeano ves una pelicula que Le Encanta obtienes 200 puntos de Amistad con el, si es una película que Le Gusta obtienes 100 puntos de Amistad, y si es una película que No Le Gusta no obtienes ni pierdes puntos de amistad con el invitado.

Penny amará cualquier película si Pam también está presente. Aunque no se puede invitar a ambas, hay una pequeña posibilidad de que Pam esté entre la audiencia de la película cuando invitas a Penny, ya que los miembros del pueblo a veces están en el cine durante la película.

Poster Nombre Descripcion Temporada/Año Le Encanta Le Gusta Desagrada
El Pequeño Arbolito Valiente ¡Una comedia familiar animada sobre un pequeño brote en una aventura mágica para convertirse en un árbol! Primavera, Año 1 Caroline, Enano, Jas, Penny, Sandy, Vincent Abigail, Alex, Clint, Demetrius, Elliott, Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Haley, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Marlon, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Willy Krobus, Linus, Sebastian, Shane, Rasmodius
Viaje del Rey de la Pradera: La Película ¡El querido videojuego llega a la pantalla plateada! Verano, Año 1 Caroline, Enano, Jas, Robin, Sandy, Vincent Abigail, Alex, Clint, Demetrius, Emily, Evelyn, Gus, Jodi, Kent, Lewis, Marlon, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Willy Elliott, George, Haley, Harvey, Krobus, Leah, Linus, Rasmodius
Mysterio Mira detrás del velo de medianoche ... ¡Debes experimentar para creer! Otoño, Año 1 Abigail, Enano, Elliott, Leah, Sandy, Sebastian, Rasmodius Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Haley, Jodi, Krobus, Marlon, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Shane, Willy Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Harvey, Jas, Kent, Lewis, Linus, Penny, Vincent
El Milagro en el Rancho Coldstar Contra todo pronóstico, una familia mantiene vivo el espíritu de la Estrella de Invierno... Invierno, Año 1 Enano, Emily, Evelyn, Gus, Harvey, Marnie, Sandy Alex, Caroline, Clint, Elliott, George, Haley, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Marlon, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Willy Abigail, Demetrius, Krobus, Linus, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Rasmodius
Maravillas Naturales: Explorando nuestro mundo vibrante. Haga un recorrido por las tierras de la República de Ferngill... desde las Islas Fern hasta la ciudad de Zuzu, ¡Este mundo está lleno de vida! Primavera, Año 2 Demetrius, Enano, Jas, Lewis, Maru, Sandy Abigail, Caroline, Clint, Elliott, Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Haley, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Marlon, Marnie, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Willy Alex, Krobus, Linus, Vincent, Rasmodius
Wumbus Una absurda comedia de ciencia ficción centrada en la vida y los tiempos de un chico gordito de otro planeta. Verano, Año 2 Alex, Demetrius, Enano, Gus, Jas, Maru, Pierre, Sam, Sandy, Shane, Vincent Abigail, Clint, Elliott, Emily, Evelyn, George, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Marlon, Marnie, Pam, Penny, Robin, Sebastian, Willy Caroline, Haley, Krobus, Linus, Rasmodius
Aúlla Bajo la Lluvia Un grupo de jóvenes se dispuso a descubrir la fuente de un sonido misterioso. (Se requiere supervisión de los padres) Otoño, Año 2 Abigail, Alex, Enano, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Gus, Haley, Jodi, Marlon, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Willy Elliott, Emily, Evelyn, George, Harvey, Jas, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Penny, Vincent, Rasmodius
El Expreso de la Ciudad de Zuzu Una amada película clásica, cuidadosamente restaurada para teatros modernos. Invierno, Año 2 Enano, Evelyn, George, Harvey, Jodi, Sandy Alex, Caroline, Elliott, Emily, Gus, Haley, Jas, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Marlon, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Willy Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Krobus, Linus, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Rasmodius


Players can choose to purchase a snack for their guest at the concessions counter. Purchasing a loved snack earns 50 Friendship points with the guest, a liked snack earns 25 Friendship points, and a disliked snack neither earns nor costs friendship points with the guest. Only five foods out of the following are randomly offered at a time for the player to select for their guest.

Image Name Description Price Love Like Dislike
Apple Slices Crunchy and sweet little slices. data-sort-value="100"> 100 Harvey Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Demetrius, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Jas, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sandy, Sebastian, Vincent Clint, Enano, George, Gus, Jodi, Krobus, Pam, Sam, Shane, Willy, Rasmodius
Black Licorice A chewy candy with an intense, pungent flavor. data-sort-value="25"> 25 George, Krobus, Rasmodius Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Gus, Haley, Harvey, Leah, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy
Cappuccino Mousse Cake A small chocolate cake glazed with a cappuccinio mousse. data-sort-value="220"> 220 Elliot, Evelyn, Gus, Haley Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Emily, Harvey, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sandy, Vincent Enano, George, Krobus, Pam, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Willy, Rasmodius
Chocolate Popcorn It's normal popcorn... but with a chocolate coating. data-sort-value="130"> 130 Jodi Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Gus, Haley, Jas, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy Enano, George, Harvey, Krobus, Rasmodius
Cotton Candy A large pink cloud of spun sugar. data-sort-value="50"> 50 Penny, Sandy Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Jas, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Pierre, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Rasmodius Alex, Caroline, Elliot, George, Gus, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Robin, Willy
Fries Thin slices of potato, deep fried and then lightly salted. data-sort-value="100"> 100 Clint Abigail, Alex, Demetrius, George, Gus, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Lewis, Linus, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy Caroline, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Harvey, Jas, Leah, Marnie, Rasmodius
Hummus Snack Pack It's crunchy and healthy. data-sort-value="90"> 90 Shane Alex, Caroline, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Harvey, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sandy, Sebastian Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, George, Gus, Jas, Jodi, Pam, Sam, Vincent, Willy, Rasmodius
Ice Cream Sandwich Vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate cookies. data-sort-value="150"> 150 Marnie Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Gus, Haley, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy, Rasmodius George, Harvey, Krobus
Jasmine Tea Green tea flavored with aromatic jasmine flowers. data-sort-value="50"> 50 Harvey, Lewis, Sebastian Alex, Caroline, Elliot, Emily, Haley, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sandy, Shane, Willy, Rasmodius Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Evelyn, George, Gus, Jas, Pam, Sam, Vincent
Jawbreaker It's a big, hard candy that lasts the whole movie! data-sort-value="250"> 250 Vincent Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Jas, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Rasmodius Alex, Caroline, Elliot, George, Gus, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Robin, Willy
Joja Cola An extra-large cup of Joja's flagship soda. data-sort-value="40"> 40 Shane Pam Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Haley, Harvey, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Vincent, Willy, Rasmodius
JojaCorn Joja's patented corn food, slathered in plenty of "b'utter sauce". data-sort-value="10"> 10 Shane Pam Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Haley, Harvey, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Vincent, Willy, Rasmodius
Kale Smoothie It's loaded with vitamins and fiber. data-sort-value="120"> 120 Emily Alex, Caroline, Elliot, Evelyn, Haley, Harvey, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sandy Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, George, Gus, Jas, Jodi, Pam, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy, Rasmodius
Nachos Gooey, spicy cheese on top of freshly fried tortilla chips. data-sort-value="100"> 100 Pam, Shane Abigail, Alex, Clint, Demetrius, George, Gus, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Lewis, Linus, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Vincent, Willy Caroline, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Harvey, Jas, Leah, Marnie, Rasmodius
Panzanella Salad A summer salad of bread and tomatoes. data-sort-value="200"> 200 Gus, Leah Alex, Caroline, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Harvey, Kent, Krobus, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sandy Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, George, Jas, Jodi, Pam, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy, Rasmodius
Personal Pizza A pizza small enough to enjoy as a snack. data-sort-value="150"> 150 Sam, Pierre, Shane Abigail, Alex, Clint, Demetrius, George, Gus, Robin, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Robin, Sandy, Sebastian, Vincent, Willy Caroline, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Harvey, Leah, Rasmodius
Popcorn Popped kernels of corn, dusted lightly with salt and drizzled with butter. data-sort-value="120"> 120 Demetrius, Kent Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, George, Gus, Jodi, Krobus, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Harvey, Jas, Leah, Rasmodius
Rock Candy Flavored sugar crystals attached to a convenient stick. data-sort-value="90"> 90 Abigail, Enano Clint, Demetrius, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Jas, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Rasmodius Alex, Caroline, Elliot, George, Gus, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Robin, Willy
Salmon Burger A thick slab of salmon on a lightly toasted sesame seed bun. data-sort-value="150"> 150 Alex, Linus, Willy Abigail, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Haley, Harvey, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Rasmodius
Salted Peanuts A classic salty treat. data-sort-value="120"> 120 Robin Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, George, Gus, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Lewis, Linus, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, Haley, Harvey, Jas, Leah, Marnie, Rasmodius
Sour Slimes Tiny gummy slimes of assorted colors. They're sprinkled with an extremely sour powder. data-sort-value="80"> 80 Jas Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Emily, Evelyn, George, Haley, Harvey, Krobus, Leah, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Pierre, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Rasmodius Alex, Caroline, Elliot, Gus, Jodi, Kent, Lewis, Penny, Robin, Sandy, Willy
Star Cookie A star-shaped shortbread cookie with rainbow sprinkles. data-sort-value="150"> 150 Evelyn, Gus, Maru, Rasmodius Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Gus, Haley, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy George, Harvey, Krobus
Stardrop Sorbet A single drop of stardrop essence tranforms this sorbet into an extraordinary treat. data-sort-value="1250"> 1250 Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Enano, Elliot, Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Haley, Harvey, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent, Willy, Rasmodius Krobus
Truffle Popcorn Heirloom popcorn sprinkled with truffle salt. data-sort-value="180"> 180 Caroline, Elliot, Gus Abigail, Alex, Clint, Demetrius, Emily, George, Harvey, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sandy, Sebastian, Willy Enano, Evelyn, Haley, Jas, Jodi, Marnie, Sam, Shane, Vincent, Rasmodius

Crane Game

Inside the lobby is a Crane Game machine. Players can play the Crane Game for data-sort-value="500"> 500 to win prizes. There is a 25% chance that the Crane Game will be occupied by a man, and unplayable. The Crane Game is always occupied after watching a movie.

After paying to play, the player has 3 chances to grab a prize. There is a 15-second timer for each attempt, which begins when the player first moves the crane.

The first movement is horizontal, and places the crane (right-arrow on keyboard). The second movement is vertical, and drops the crane (down-arrow on keyboard). The crane will drop to the position of its shadow, which can be controlled by holding the down-arrow. Once the down-arrow button is released, the crane will drop. When the crane reaches its shadow, it will stop and grab any prize at that location.

The crane may drop the prize on its way to the collection chute at the left. The further away from the chute the item is, and the less firm the crane's grasp on the item is, the more likely it is to drop it.

Some of the more rare prizes (like the Dinosaur Egg or Movie Ticket) may be hidden behind foliage in the Crane Game, and become dislodged when the crane drops another prize.

Crane Game Prizes



  • 1.4: Introduced.