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When given the Mermaid's Pendant
Cuándo está celoso
{{quote|...!!! I accept!! ... I'll set everything up. We'll have the ceremony in three days, okay?}}
{{quote|Entonces... Escuché que secretamente diste un regalo a (nombre de la soltera)...}}
{{quote|Oh my goodness! I have so much to prepare before the wedding! I'm nervous.}}
{{quote|¿Tengo que sospechar de ustedes dos?}}
{{quote|I'll be relieved after we're all settled in your farm.}}
On wedding night
{{quote|Are you done with your work for the day? I'm ready to have some fun.}}
{{quote|But if you're tired I understand.}}
When Jealous
{{quote|So... I heard you secretly gave (bachelor's name) a gift today...}}
{{quote|Do I have to be suspicious of you two?}}
When in love/Living on the farm
===Estando enamorado/Viviendo en la granja===
{{quote|Good evening… did you finish everything you needed to do today? Don’t worry about me. I’m very self-sufficient. If you have more work to do go right ahead.}}
{{quote|Buenas tardes... ¿Has acabado lo que planeabas hacer hoy? Por mí no te preocupes. Soy muy autosuficiente. Si tienes más trabajo que hacer, adelante.}}
{{quote|Hi (affectionate nickname)! I got up early and fed all the farm animals. I hope it makes your job a little easier today.}}
{{quote|Me vendría bien un vino.}}
{{quote|This is so much nicer than being cooped up in the clinic all day.}}
{{quote|No es verdad que el tiempo lluvioso cause la gripe. ¡Pero ten cuidado de no resbalar en el barro! Me preocupo a menudo por ti.}}
{{quote|I love watching you on the farm... hehe}}
{{quote|Me sentía tan solo viviendo en la clínica... Ahora soy mucho más feliz.}}
{{quote|Hi, honey. How was your day? *Phew*… I’m exhausted… My patients are still healthy, so it was a good day.}}
{{quote|Me he levantado pronto, pero he intentado no despertarte. Parecías tan en paz...}}
{{quote|I could sure go for some wine.}}
{{quote|Tengo un montón de tareas acumuladas por acabar hoy. ¡Suficiente para mantenerme ocupado!}}
{{quote|The rain makes our home seem so cozy.}}
{{quote|¿Qué tal tu día, cariño? Iba a lavar los platos pero me he enfrascado en el último número de «El entusiasta de las cirugías de rodilla».}}
{{quote|Winter is flu season, so work is probably going to be a lot more stressful. Sorry in advance if I’m grouchy.}}
{{quote|Si disfrutas de la vida, ¿qué más da que sea un poco repetitiva? Ese es mi lema.}}
{{quote|No air-traffic this morning, honey. But it’s still fun to break out the equipment now and then.}}
{{quote|Estás empapado, cariño. ¿Por qué no entras en calor junto al fuego? Estás empapada, cariño. ¿Por qué no entras en calor junto al fuego?}}
{{quote|I’m working on a new model plane. It’s so much more relaxing here than in my old apartment.}}
{{quote|Creo que todos luchamos por conseguir equilibrio en nuestras vidas. Un equilibrio de complejidad. Para mí, mudarme aquí es exactamente lo que mi cuerpo necesitaba para lograr ese equilibrio.}}
{{quote|Don't worry about me... I know you've got a lot of responsibilities outside of the house. I'm fine in here by myself!}}
{{quote|Hoy voy a estudiar literatura médica. ¡Para mí es importante estar al día para dar a mis pacientes la mejor atención posible!}}
{{quote|(Male farmer) Wow, you look really handsome today! Did you shave?}}
{{quote|Hoy voy a escuchar algo de jazz y a acabar mis informes. ¿Qué planes tienes tú?}}
{{quote|(Female farmer) Oh, my... you look beautiful today.}}
{{quote|La primera vez que nos vimos, me diste miedo. Es curioso ver lo lejos que hemos llegado.}}
{{quote|I wonder who lived here before us?}}
{{quote|Es un lugar muy seguro. Tú sigue con lo tuyo, no te preocupes por mí.}}
{{quote|(Farmer's name) mean the world to me.}}
{{quote|Como científico, me fascina la interacción entre insectos y plantas.}}
{{quote|I may not be the most exciting guy, but I'll stay loyal to you for the rest of my life.}}
Después de tener hijos
{{quote|You look exhausted, dear. Let me give you a massage tonight. I promise it will reduce the inflammation in your muscle tissue!}}
{{quote|Ya les he dado a <nombre hijo> y <nombre hija> el desayuno. ¡Les voy a enseñar a disfrutar de la comida sana!.}}
{{quote|I knew you were the one from the moment you moved here.}}
{{quote|Creo que los niños deberían poder jugar y explorar todo lo que quieran. Solo se es niño una vez.}}
{{quote| I think I'll take a little walk today. I need to unwind.}}
{{quote|A lo mejor <nombre de hijo> será piloto, lo que yo nunca conseguí.}}
{{quote|Be careful out there! I have nightmares about your limp body being wheeled into the emergency room.}}
{{quote|Ahora mi vida está dedicada a ti y los niños, y eso me hace muy feliz. Siempre he soñado con formar una hermosa familia. Tenía pesadillas sobre quedarme soltero para siempre.... Te quiero tanto...}}
{{quote|Be careful out there! Sometimes I worry about you falling into a mine shaft.}}
{{quote|It's stressful to be a doctor, so it's really great to live somewhere as relaxing as (farm name) Farm.}}
When in love/When unhappy
{{quote|You could have cleaned up in here a little while I was gone...}}
{{quote|It's not very nice to have to wade through a bunch of junk after a hard days work.}}
{{quote|I just don't feel like getting up today.}}
When in love/Pierre's General Store
{{quote|Hi! I'm just shopping for some essentials, so I can continue to cook healthy meals for us.}}
When in love/Flower Dance
{{quote|W…Will you dance with me at the festival tomorrow? It’s always a little embarrassing.}}
{{quote|I've been looking forward to it all afternoon! You look radiant in the fresh spring air, my dear.}}
On Tuesdays and Thursdays
{{quote|I have to go into the clinic today. Have a nice day, okay?}}
When pregnant
{{quote|(Farmer's name), we're going to have a baby soon.}}
{{quote| I was afraid of you when we first met. It's funny to think about now that we've come so far.}}
{{quote|Dear, I filed our adoption papers. Now all we can do is cross our fingers and wait.}}
{{quote|(Farmer's name), I hope our adoption request gets approved. I want a baby.}}
After having children
{{quote|Everything went well, and now little (baby's name) is part of the family. We're very fortunate.}}
{{quote|So far, I really like being a father!}}
{{quote|Little (baby's name) is going to have the perfect childhood here. We're really fortunate to have this opportunity.}}
{{quote|You and (baby's name) are the most important parts of my life.}}


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