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Robin building.png
Todavía tengo mucho trabajo por hacer
— Robin

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Ultima Edición por Jhordi en 2017-04-06 23:39:00.

“Elliott vive solo en una cabaña en la playa. Èl es un escritor que sueña con un dìa escribir una magnìfica novela. Èl es sentimental "Romàntico" con una tendencia a salir a lo florido, tangentes poèticas. Cuando puede permitirselo, disfruta de una fuerte bebida en el Salón Fruta Estelar. ¿Podrìa un humilde agricultor como tù ser la inspiraciòn que Elliot està buscando? Solo hay una manera de saberlo...”
Dev Update #12

Elliott es un aldeano que vive en la playa al sur del Pueblo Pelícano. Èl es uno de los doce personajes disponibles para casarse.[1]


Su rutina diaria es la misma durante la primavera y el verano excepto cuando llueve, en ese caso, estarà en su cabaña. Puede ser encontrado tambien leyendo en la librerìa de lunes a miercoles en el otoño e invierno. (La agenda puede variar en primavera del año 1, donde parece que gasta todo su tiempo dentro o cerca de su cabaña)

Tiende a dejar su cabaña al mediodìa para mirar la playa justo al sur de su cabaña.

Spring.png Primavera


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Sale de casa, y se dirige al bosque en frente de la cabaña de Leah.
3:00 PM Sale de casa, se para en el puente al norte de la playa y mira el océano.
6:00 PM Regresa a casa.


Hora Locación
12:00 PM Sale de casa, y se dirige a la fogata que está al sur de su casa.
1:30 PM Regresa a casa.
3:00 PM Sale de casa, se para en el puente al norte de la playa y mira el océano.
6:00 PM Regresa a casa.


Hora Locación
2:00 PM Se mueve alrededor de su cabaña.


Hora Locación
10:00 AM Se mueve alrededor de su cabaña.
11:00 AM Sigue escribiendo sobre su escritorio.
11:30 AM Se dirige a la Tienda Local Pierre's.
5:30 PM Regresa a su cabaña.


Hora Locación
10:00 AM Se mueve alrededor de su cabaña.
12:00 PM Sale de casa, y se dirige a la fogata que está al sur de su casa.
1:30 PM Regresa a casa.
3:00 PM Sale de casa, y toma la ruta del Puente del Sur hacia la playa.
6:00 PM Sale del puente y se dirige a casa.


Hora Locación
3:00 PM Sale de casa, y toma la ruta del Puente del Sur hacia la playa.
6:00 PM Sale del puente y se dirige a casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Sale de casa, y se dirige a la fogata que está al sur de su casa.
3:00 PM Toma la ruta del Puente del Sur hacia la playa.
7:00 PM Regresa a su cabaña, y su puerta está cerrada por el resto de la noche.

Día de lluvia

Hora Locación
Todo el día En casa
Summer.png Verano


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su cabaña y empieza a caminar hacia la izquierda.
1:00 PM Mira el río al sur de la cabaña de Leah.
6:00 PM Deja el río para regresar a casa.


Hora Locación
10:30 AM Deja su casa y se dirige a la clínica.
12:00 PM Se deja revisar por Harvey.
1:30 PM Mira el río al sur de la cabaña de Leah.
5:20 PM Llega a su cabaña y entra.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa.
1:00 PM Mira el río al sur de la cabaña de Leah.
6:30 PM Regresa a casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa.
12:30 PM En la Tienda Local de Pierre's.
6:00 PM Regresa a casa.


Hora Locación
12:00 PM Se para junto a la fogata afuera de su casa.
2:00PM En la Tienda Local de Pierre's.


Hora Locación
1:00 PM Mira el río al sur de la cabaña de Leah.
6:00 PM Se dirige a su casa.
7:30 PM Se encuentra en casa.


Hora Locación
12:00 PM Deja su casa.
Fall.png Otoño


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa y se dirige a la librería.
12:40 AM Llega a la librería.
07:00 PM Llega a su casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa y se dirige a la librería.
12:40 AM Llega a la librería.
5:30 PM Deja la librería y se dirige a su casa.
7:00 PM Llega a su casa.


Hora Locación
12:40 En la librería.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa.
12:40 PM Llega a la Tienda Local de Pierre's
5:30 PM Sale de la Tienda Local de Pierre's
6:40 PM Llega a su casa.


Hora Locación
10:00 Moviéndose alrededor de su casa.
12:00 PM Deja su casa y se dirige a la fogata.
1:30 PM Se dirige adentro de su casa.
3:00 PM Deja su casa y se dirige al Puente del Norte de La Playa.
3:20 PM Parado en el Puente del Norte de La Playa.
6:00 PM Camina a casa desde el puente.
6:20 PM Llega a su casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM - 12:40 PM Deja su casa y camina hacia la librería.
12:50 PM - 5:30 PM Leyendo libros en la librería.
5:30 PM - 6:50 PM Camina hacia su casa desde la librería.


Hora Locación
12:00 PM Deja su casa y se para a un lado de la Tienda de pesca de Willy.
5:00 PM Parado en el Puente del Sur (al costado de la playa).
06:00 PM Llega al Salón Fruta Estelar
11:50 PM Deja el Salón Fruta Estelar y se dirige a casa.
12:40 PM Llega a su casa.
Winter.png Invierno


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa y se dirige a la librería.
3:50 PM Leyendo en el Museo.
5:30 PM Deja la librería y se dirige a su casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa y se dirige a la librería.
12:40 PM Llega a la librería.
7:00 PM Llega a su casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa y se dirige a la librería.
1:30 PM Leyendo en el Museo.
5:30 PM Deja la librería y se dirige a su casa.
6:40 PM Llega a su casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM Deja su casa y se dirige a la Tienda Local Pierre's
12:30 PM Llega a la Tienda Local Pierre's
5:30 PM Deja la Tienda General y se dirige a casa.
6:40 PM Llega a su casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM At home
3:20 PM Parado en el Puente del Norte de La Playa
6:00 PM Camina a casa desde el puente.
6:20 PM Llega a su casa.


Hora Locación
11:30 AM - 12:40 PM Sale de su casa y camina hacia la librería.
12:50 PM - 5:30 PM Leyendo un libro en la librería.
5:30 PM - 6:50 PM Camina a casa desde la librería.


Hora Locación
3:00 PM Deja su cabaña y se dirige al puente.
5:00 PM Deja el puentes y se dirige al Salón Fruta Estelar
Mermaid's Pendant.png Matrimonio


Elliott viene solo en una cabaña en la playa cerca a la Tienda de pesca de Willy. Él es amigo de Willy y Leah.


Articulo principal: Socializar
Ver también: Lista de todos los regalos

Puedes darle a Elliott hasta dos regalos por semana (Más uno en su cumpleaños), que puede aumentar o disminuir su amistad contigo. Los regalos para su cumpleaños (Fall.png 5 Otoño) tendrán un efecto amplificado por 8; y mostrará un diálogo único.
Para los regalos amados o gustados, Elliott dirá

“¿Un regalo de cumpleaños? ¡Qué detalle! Me encanta.”
“¡Te has acordado de mi cumpleaños! Gracias. Es genial.”

Para los regalos neutrales, Elliott dirá

“¡Oh, un regalo de cumpleaños! Gracias.”

Para regalos disgustados u odiados, Elliott dirá

“Oh... ¿Por mi cumpleaños? Gracias...”

Le Encanta

“¡(Nombre), este es un hermoso regalo! ¡Gracias!”
Imagen Nombre Descripción Fuente Ingredientes
Elliott Happy.png
Crab Cakes.png
Tortas de cangrejo Cangrejo, pan rallado y huevo con forma de medallones. Fritas hasta que queden doradas. Cooking Crab.png Crangrejo (1)Wheat Flour.png Harina de trigo (1)Egg.png Huevo (1)Oil.png Aceite (1)
Duck Feather.png
Pluma de pato Qué colorida. Patos
Langosta Un gran crustáceo de mar con una cola poderosa. Trampa para cangrejos
Pomegranate.png Granada Dentro de esta fruta hay racimos de jugosas semillas. Árbol de Granada
Tom Kha Soup.png
Sopa Tom Kha ¡Una combinación de sabores increíbles! Cooking Coconut.png Coco (1)Shrimp.png Gamba (1)Common Mushroom.png Seta común (1)

Le gusta

“¿Esto es para mí? ¡Maravilloso!”
Imagen Nombre Descripción Fuente
Elliott Happy.png
Pulpo Una criatura misteriosa e inteligente. Pesca
Calamar Una criatura del fondo marino que puede crecer hasta ser enorme. Pesca


“Oh, a present! Thank you!”
Imagen Nombre Descripción Fuente
Elliott Neutral.png

Todos los Huevos (excepto el Huevo sombrío) Todos los Peces (excepto la Carpa, Langosta, Pulpo, Pepino de mar, Caracol, y; Calamar)

No le gusta

“Hmm... No soy un gran fanático de esto.”
Imagen Nombre Descripción Fuente Ingredientes
Elliott Concerned.png
Common Mushroom.png
Seta común Con un ligero toque a frutos secos y buena textura. Recolección - Otoño
Chantarela Una seta sabrosa con olor afrutado y un sabor ligeramente picante. Recolección - Otoño
Narciso Una flor tradicional de primavera, popular como regalo. Recolección - Primavera
Diente de león No es la flor más bonita, pero sus hojas quedan bien en ensaladas. Recolección - Primavera
Avellana ¡Menuda avellana! Recolección - Otoño
Acebo Sus hojas rojo intenso la convierten en una decoración de invierno muy popular. Recolección - [Invierno]]
Puerro Un delicioso pariente de la cebolla. Recolección - Primavera
Calmenilla Buscada por su sabor único a frutos secos. Recolección - Otoño
Pizza Extremadamente popular, y tiene sus razones. Cocina, Salón Fruta Estelar Wheat Flour.png Harina de trigo (1)Tomato.png Tomate (1)Cheese.png Queso (1)
Purple Mushroom.png
Seta lila Una seta poco común que se encuentra en las profundidades de las cuevas. Recolección - Otoño
Snow Yam.png
Ñame nival Este pequeño ñame se esconde bajo la nieve. Recolección - [Invierno]]
Wild Horseradish.png
Rábano silvestre Una raíz picante que se encuentra en la primavera. Recolección - [Primavera]]
Winter Root.png
Raíz invernal Un tubérculo lleno de almidón. Recolección - [Invierno]]


“Este objeto me hace sentir terrible. Tendré que deshacerme de ello.”
Image Name Description Source
Elliott Annoyed.png
Amaranto Un cereal lila cultivado por una antigua civilización. Cultivos - Otoño
Cuarzo Un cristal claro que se encuentra a menudos en cuevas y minas. Recolección - Las Minas
Frambuesa Una baya de primavera con el sabor del bosque. Recolección - Primavera
Sea Cucumber.png
Pepino de mar Una criatura resbaladiza y viscosa que se encuentra en el fondo del mar. Peces

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Two Hearts.png

Enter Elliott's cabin when he's there.

Elliott will greet you, and explain that he came to Pelican Town to become a writer but no one from his hometown believed he could make it. He asks what kind of novels you like. You can choose mystery, romance, or sci-fi; any choice gives you +30 friendship points. He says he'll remember your choice, then asks you to look at his rose because he thinks it may be wilting.


Four Hearts

Four Hearts.png

Enter the Stardrop Saloon between 3pm and 10pm when Gus is there.

Gus says he'll take your order in a moment. Before he gets to you, Elliott walks into the building and says it's a pleasant surprise to find you here. He says that he's stopping in to relax after eight hours of writing. He orders two ales, one for you and one for him. He orders wine for you if your character is female.

You stop him before he can drink and propose a toast. You can choose from four different toasts:

  • "To Pelican Town!" (+25 amistad.) "Ah, to a harmonious future for the community... what a virtuous idea. Here's to Pelican Town!"
  • "To our friendship!" (+50 amistad.) "That's a great idea! Here's to us!"
  • "To my good health!" (-10 amistad.) "Well... okay."
  • "To your doom!" (-50 amistad.) "Hmph. Forget it."

You both drink and he starts dancing where he is. Then the cutscene ends, and other various decors outside the door of the Stardrop Saloon with a tipsy effect.

500px 570px

Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter Elliot's home when he's there.

Elliot is playing the piano. After he finishes, you can say either "That was wonderful" or "How long have you been playing?" (neither affects friendship). Elliott starts talking about how hard his life is right now and wishes he could just be a farmer like you. You can say either "It's just as hard to be a farmer, you know" or "Come live on the farm, I could use the extra help" (neither affects friendship). If you tell him to join you, he's very surprised and thanks you for the offer, but says he can't because his novel is almost complete.


Eight Hearts

Eight Hearts.png

After receiving a letter from Elliott, visit the museum between 1pm and 7pm. (It doesn't need to be the same day.)

Elliott sends you a letter inviting you to a reading of his finished novel at the library that afternoon.

When you enter the museum, you find many villagers have gathered to listen to Elliott's first book reading. Elliott expresses his delight at your coming to listen. He reads from his novel. Depending on your choice in his first heart event, you'll get one of these stories:

  • The mystery novel Blue Tower. "It's a mystery novel set in a surreal, dystopian future. Chapter One. From the shadows emerged a man, radiating with enigmatic omniscience. 'Good Evening, Mr. Lu,' he said, the corners of his mouth quivering. Lu seemed astonished. 'How did you know my name?'" (Fade.) "Lu checked Jenu's pockets, then stood up and walked into the bedroom. He quickly found the small golden key that he was looking for and slipped it into his coat pocket."
  • The romance novel Camellia Station. "It's a romance novel about a train stewardess who falls in love with a traveling architect... Chapter One. 'Your ticket, sir?' Ticket collector Gozman extended a gloved hand towards the young commuter. 'Ah, yes. I have it right here,' he replied, reaching into his coat pocket. Mortified, he discovered that the ticket was missing." (Fade.) "...'Clara, there's something I must tell you,' he blurted as she turned to leave. Clara turned, slowly, and saw the look of desperation in Horatio's eye. At that moment Gozman burst into the compartment, red-faced."
  • The sci-fi novel The Rise And Fall Of Planet Yazzo. "It's a sci-fi epic spanning thousands of years in an exotic planetary system. Chapter One. Commander Yutkin stepped through the golden archway as the airlock snapped shut behind him. Today was his first day on Planet Yazzo, and all 14 of the alliance delegates had been summoned to the Grand Spire..." (Fade.) "...And as the 7th moon descended beneath the horizon, the planet of Yazzo would begin its sinister transformation... an event for which Commander Yutkin was completely unprepared."

Elliott thanks everyone for coming, then walks up to you and asks how you think it went. He says he's glad that you liked it, because he dedicated it to you and he based it on your favorite genre.

Elliot Eight Heart Event.jpg

Ten Hearts

Ten Hearts.png

Go to the beach on a sunny day between 7am and 1pm. A letter will be sent to you but it is not needed to trigger the event.

Elliott writes you a letter saying he has an idea. You join him on the docks. Elliott had fixed the row boat that's been on the docks, and he wonders if you want to go with him on a "maiden voyage."
  • If you accept, Elliott talks about his novel and how he couldn't have done it without you. Then he's at a loss for words to explain how he feels about you. Suddenly, he kisses you! You begin trembling. You can choose to respond with "I'm happy" or "You're making me very uncomfortable. Stop." (Telling him you're uncomfortable incurs a minor friendship penalty. It's less than 1 heart and may drop you from 10 back to 9 hearts). You both head back to shore, and Elliott comments on how the valley finally looks like home.
  • If you refuse, Elliott says "I see" and the event ends.

500px 500px


Elliott's room.

3 days after you give Elliott the Mermaid pendant, you will get married to Elliott in the town square. Elliott wears a gray suit. After the ceremony ends, you return to your home. Elliott will be inside, and a new addition will be added to the east end of your home. Elliott's end of the house will have a mini-library, and other various decors. On New Year's Eve (28 Winter), he will give the player a bottle of wine.

Once married, Elliott assists with tasks around the farm including mending broken fences, feeding the animals, and refilling the cat or dog water bowl. He'll also set up a small potted plant garden behind the farmhouse where he'll go to read.

Occasionally in the mornings, Elliott will provide you with a cup of coffee.

Elliot Wedding.jpg



“I have to brush my hair daily, or else it'll clump up into messy knots. It's hard work.”
“I have to remember to water my plants today. And not with sea water this time!”
“Breathe deeply. Do you notice it? That's the smell of th sea.”

===When in love / Living on the farm===

“You always smell so good after a hard day of work. It's your natural musk! You smell sweet, my dear. Like a honeycomb drifting on a pool of spice tea.”
“From the brightest winter star, to a fragrant fairy rose...nothing can compare with your captivating beauty.”
“When I behold thy wondrous face, a precious jewel of form and grace, my heart...torn by the dread of night, is purified with golden light. Poetry is the only way I can begin to describe my feelings for you.”
“My skill with words is unmatched, yet I can't find the way to properly describe your beauty.”
“I made a whole secret book of poems expressing my love for you.”
“Your feminine\masculine allure is irresistible today. I can't keep my eyes off you.”
“My love...I wouldn't trade you for 100 iridium bars. No 1000...Not even 10,000 bars, no. No, not even 100,000 bars! Wa...one million bars of pure iridium...? Don't make me do this...”
“My wildest dreams have come true...just look at this incredible landscape!”
“I never had much success growing plant in my old beach house. Hopefully I can pick up a thing or two by watching you. In this respect, you are the master and I only a humble apprentice.”
“Fertile soil beneath my feet, fresh air to fill my lungs, and the sun's warmth to delight my skin...Life is going well.”
“Ah, what a lovely day to read a book...don't you think, my dear?”
“A crackling fire adds wonderful ambience to the house...every piece of wood burns in a unique way.”
“Now that winter's over, we've got lots of productive weather to look forward to.”
“It's strange, but I often have cravings for pomegranate in the spring.”
“I might stay here and write some poetry. I'm feeling a sudden surge of creativity! You go on ahead and take care of business.”
“I got up early and watered some crops for you. I hope it makes your job a little easier today. I also filled <pet name> water bowl.”
“I spent the morning repairing a few of the fences.. They should be as good as new.”
“I've been taking much better care of myself now that we're together. The bachelor life wasn't particularly healthy for me.”
“<spouse name> I'm so proud of all your hard work. I'm very lucky to have you.”
“Don't worry about me...I know you've got a lot of responsibilities outside of the house. I'm fine in here by myself.”
“I think I might do some writing today.Will you be okay without my help?”
“I drank too much coffee... my mouth feels about as dry as the Calico Desert. Oh... sorry about the coffee breath.”
“Sorry if I smell...I was sweating all night in the heat.”
“I think I'll walk down to the beach today, it's always nice to see the ocean again.”
“I had a nice time at the beach by myself, I watched the waves come and go, just like old times.”
“I was going to grab an extra bottle of ink from my cabin today, but then I remembered the Luau is tommorow. I'll just do it then.”
“If I stay perfectly still, perhaps a resplendent butterfly will bless my nose with a landing.”
“If you find a spider in the house, don't squash it!Just let me know and I'll take this poor thing outside.”
“I've had this reccurring nightmare that you gave me a buzz cut... you wouldn't ever do that to me, would you? I trust you.”
“Today is going to be a fantastic day... I can feel it! I get this special feeling in my nose...”
“Good morning, <spouse name>! I made us a pot of coffee. I find myself craving this robust flavour nearly every morning.”
“Good evening. Did you have a productive day, my dear?”
“Would you still love me if I guzzled two gallons of pumpkin ale at the Spirits Eve Festival? Sometimes a man has primitive urges.”
“I'm a little out of practice but I plan on entering the fishing contest tomorrow! you've got some stiff competition, dear.”

On a rainy day

“I think I'll remain indoors today, my dear. The rain causes my hair to go limp.”
“You're ice cold!Let me keep you warm.”

When jealous

“So, I heard you secretly gave <name> a gift today. Do I have to be suspicious of you?”

After marriage during the Egg Festival

“I enjoy seeing you so relaxed, my dear.”

After marriage, before and during the Flower Dance

“I look forward to dancing with you tommorow, my dear.”
“I wore my best shirt fot the dance...This sort of thing doesn't happen very often!”

When asked to be your dance partner

“Yes dear? Yes...could I refuse that soft, kind face? The touch of spring-time's sweet embrace?”

After marriage during the Feast of the Winter Star

“You don't need to get me anything, you've already given me the greatest gift of all.”

On the 28th of every winter

“Happy new year's eve, my dear. Please accept this [wine] to celebrate.”

On the 1st of every spring

“My new year's resolution is to write, write and write! I can never stop improving my skills.”

On the 1st of every summer

“It's hard to be in a foul mood when the sun is beaming and the butterflies are dancing on a spice-berry breeze.”

During pregnancy

“<spouse name> we're going to have a baby soon!”
“Honey\Hot Stuff, can't you tell?You're pregnant.”

After having children

“Two beautiful children...we've come a long way, haven't we?”
“We've done well, <spouse name>. The farm is doing excellent and our healthy children are a great joy. I couldn't be happier.”
“I'm going to teach <child's name> to read as soon as possible!That's a great way for children to learn about the world.”
“I was carrying <child's name> earlier and I could've sworn I heard a "Da...da".”


Quest Name Requirements Quest Text Quest Summary Provided By Rewards
Delivery Any Season; 2 Days I am running low on Amethyst. If someone could bring me one, it would be much appreciated. - Elliott Accept quest at the Help Wanted board. Complete Quest by bringing Elliott 1 Amethyst within 2 Days. Help Wanted 300g; Makes Elliott happy.

Elliot also occasionally posts other, similar, quests on the Help Wanted board.



Elliott's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Elliott's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Elliott Timeline.png


In Elliot's shack on the beach, there is a framed picture of a green cube. This may be a reference to an object in Starbound called a Perfectly Generic Item.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added reading garden area behind farmhouse if married.
