Cueva de la Maestría

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Rotten Plant.png  Precaución: Espóileres  Rotten Plant 2.png

Esta página o sección contiene espóileres sin marcar de la actualización 1.6 de Stardew Valley. Los jugadores pueden querer evitar o ser cautelosos al leer este página/sección.

Articulo Incompleto

Este artículo está marcado como incompleto por la siguiente razón:

  • Faltan imágenes y mucho contenido
Cueva de la Maestría
Mastery Cave.png
Cerrado: Nunca
Dirección: Bosque Tizón
Residentes: Ninguno

La Cueva de la Maestría es un área ubicada en el Bosque Tizón. Esta se desbloquea luego de que El Jugador haya alcanzado el máximo nivel en todas las 5 Habilidades. Si intenta ingresar antes de llegar a esto, aparecerá el siguiente mensaje: "Sólo un maestro de las cinco disciplinas puede ingresar ([Número de habilidades a nivel máximo]/5)". En su interior, el jugador puede encontrar:

5 tótems de maestría en la pared, uno para cada habilidad
Un banco en el centro de la cueva que dice "El sendero final"
Una carta del Abuelo en la esquina sureste


Once the player enters the Mastery Cave, the game begins recording mastery points that are used to unlock a series of masteries. Each mastery is associated with one skill, and each is represented on a pillar on the cave's back wall. At any time, the player can view the special items and benefits associated with a mastery by visiting its pillar.

Mastery points are equivalent to "excess" skill experience points, above those needed to achieve the initial level 10 skills. They are accumulated only after reaching level 10 in every skill. However, experience points after reaching skill level 10 that were earned playing an earlier version of the game do not carry over as mastery points in v1.6. They are collected and grouped as a single quantity regardless of the skill type associated with the experience, and may be used to award any mastery. A mastery can be unlocked at a pillar only when a sufficient number of mastery points has accumulated. The player may pick which masteries to unlock in any order. Each mastery picked costs progressively more mastery points than the previous one, defining five levels of costs. The player can track in-game the current progress towards the next level.

The following table shows the costs to unlock each mastery:

Level Mastery Points Required for This Level Total Mastery Points Required Through This Level
1 10,000 10,000
2 15,000 25,000
3 20,000 45,000
4 25,000 70,000
5 30,000 100,000

When the player accumulates enough mastery points to unlock a new mastery, the game shows a message saying "You've reached a new level of understanding...". The cave's pillars are then available for unlocking a mastery. Masteries achieved are shown on the Special Items & Powers tab of the player's inventory.

Name Rewards
Farming Skill Icon.png
Farming Mastery
Iridium Scythe.png
Iridium Scythe Can be used to harvest any crops. It's also excellent at gathering hay.
Statue Of Blessings.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Statue Of Blessings Recipe Tocar la estatua da una bendición distinta cada día.
Mastery Icon.png You can now find Golden Animal Crackers, which permanently doubles a farm animal's produce. Doesn't work on pigs.
Mining Skill Icon.png
Mining Mastery
Statue Of The Dwarf King.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Statue Of The Dwarf King Recipe Elige entre dos poderes mineros cada día.
Heavy Furnace.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Heavy Furnace Recipe Procesa 5 lingotes a la vez. Requiere 25 piezas de mineral y 3 de carbón por uso.
Mastery Icon.png Gem-bearing rocks now grant twice the gems.
Foraging Skill Icon.png
Foraging Mastery
Mystic Tree Seed.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Mystic Tree Seed recipe Se puede plantar para cultivar un árbol especial.
Treasure Totem.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Treasure Totem recipe Úsalo en terreno excavable para hacer que aparezca un anillo de marcas del tesoro.
Mastery Icon.png You can now find Golden Mystery Boxes, which contain superior items.
Fishing Skill Icon.png
Fishing Mastery
Advanced Iridium Rod.png
Advanced Iridium Rod Use in the water to catch fish. Up to two bobbers can be attached at once.
Challenge Bait.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Challenge Bait recipe Una captura "perfecta" da el triple de peces. Sin embargo, cada vez que un pez escape, la "barra de pesca", la captura es reducida.
Mastery Icon.png You can now encounter Golden Fishing Treasure Chests.
Combat Skill Icon.png
Combat Mastery
Recipe Overlay.png
Anvil recipe Te permite cambiar las propiedades de las baratijas. Cuesta 3 barras de Iridio por uso.
Recipe Overlay.png
Mini-Forge recipe Ahora, puedes usar la forja enana desde la comodidad de tu casa.
Mastery Icon.png Unlocks a new equipment slot for trinkets. Trinkets can be found while adventuring and grant special powers.


En la Nota Secreta #27, el Abuelo menciona un "secreto muy especial" que escondió en algún lugar del valle, refiriéndose a la Cueva de la Maestría.


  • 1.6: Se introduce la Cueva de la Maestría.