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También hay Hadas, Junimos, Elfos, Duendes, Sirenas y Tritones.


Los humanos conforman la mayoría de la población de Stardew Valley. La mayoría de humanos viven vidas normales, sin embargo, los Magos y Brujas todavía existen y estudian las energías arcanas ancestrales.


Los enanos se llaman a sí mismos "Smoluanu", o "Gente del Cielo". Son conocidos por vivir por debajo de la tierra y tuvieron tecnología avanzada en tiempos antiguos. El arqueólogo, M. Jasper, cree que son una raza alienígena. Un Enano puede ser encontrado viviendo en las minas.

Gente de las sombras

La gente de las sombras son seres que no se puede para debajo del sol. Ellos pelearon en las Guerras Elementales cuando los enanos invadieron su hogar ancestral por de muy debajo de la tierra. Krobus es una gente de las sombras que puede ser encontrado viviendo en las cloacas. La mayoría de la gente de las sombras encontradas en el juego son monstruos que habitan en las minas, conocidos como Bestia de la sombra y Chamán de la sombra. Los humanos también los llaman espíritus sombríos.


Guardianes del bosque. Son espíritus que viven con los árboles. La mayoría de Junimos pueden ser encontrados viviendo en el Centro Cívico. Ellos inspiraron el videojuego Junimo Kart.


No se sabe mucho de ellas, pero ocasionalmente bendicen tus cultivos.


Ágiles y habilidosos artesanos. Aparentemente extintos, ya que nadie ha encontrado sus huesos. Tampoco no se sabe mucho de ellos.


No se sabe mucho de esta raza, aparte de lo que dice en los libros perdidos, escrito por M. Jasper. Un duende (el Esbirro) puede ser encontrado vigilando la Cabaña de la Bruja, quien solo se moverá cuando le das una Mayonesa sombría, la cual es considerada una delicia por la raza de los duendes.

Sirenas y Tritones

El Mago hace una referencia a su existencia durante la Danza de las Medusas Lunares, pero no se sabe nada más. Muy pocas veces, esta criatura puede aparecer al extremo izquierda de la playa, y luego se retira nadando. Solo tienen un fin cosmético y no se pueden pescar.


Línea de Tiempo

Las Guerras Elementales

An event referenced by the Wizard. It was the war between the Dwarves and Shadow People. The Dwarves, having driven the Shadow People from their ancestral home, forced the Shadow People to resort to violence. The Elemental Wars have long been finished, and the Dwarves and Shadow People must now live in peace for the sake of the humans living around them.


After triggering the event telling about Community Center or talking to Morris you will have an important choice to do. "Now" is just a short period of time between "Past" and "Future", what means that this choice can change the future.


Stardew Valley

A peaceful region located on the southern coast of the Ferngill Republic.

Mar de Gema

The ocean that makes up the entire southern coast of Pelican Town. There is a prairie-island located within it that had inspired the Journey of the Prairie King video game. Rumors suggest that Gunther comes from across the Gem Sea.

Islas Helecho

An archipelago in the Gem Sea belonging to the Ferngill Republic. Willy is from there. When married to Haley, if at 13 out of 12 heart she will ask the player if they ever thought about retirement. Haley wishes to spend out your days together there.

Villa Castillo

It is unknown where exactly Castle Village is. It is known for its "artisanal velvet" as mentioned in the description of Earmuffs.

Ciudad Zuzu

This is the City where a number of people from Pelican Town are from. Haley apparently has visited it, as the Queen of Sauce mentions that she reportedly fell in love with her Pink Cake after visiting Zuzu City. Alex notes that they have a gridball team called the Zuzu City Tunnelers, and Shane will take the Player to a match for his 10-heart event.


República Ferngill

The nation in which Stardew Valley is located. Kent is a soldier for the Ferngill Republic, and is a survivor from a Gotoro prison camp. Morris believes that the Joja Corporation is good for the country as a whole.

Imperio Gotoro

A nation at war with the Ferngill Republic. Located across the Gem Sea, south of Stardew Valley. The Pig Merchant's Traveling Cart contains goods smuggled out of the Gotoro Empire.



Yoba is the creator deity. A shrine to Yoba is located in Pierre's General Store. Yoba is worshiped by both humans and shadow people.

Organizaciones y Facciones

Joja Corporation

A megacorp that seems to cover shipping, warehousing, distribution, mining activities, and energy drink production. The Player used to work for them. Morris, Sam, and Shane all currently work for them at the local JojaMart.

Gremio de Aventureros

A place where adventurers gather to swap stories and sell their loot, the Adventurer's Guild is for those who have proven themselves courageous and strong. The Player is initially not a part of the guild, but upon entering the Mines for the first time, they are sent a letter the following day from Marlon, the leader of the Adventurer's Guild, who invites you into the guild if you slay 10 slimes. Upon entering, you are able to purchase swords, rings, and boots, as well as receive rewards from Gil, an old adventurer, for completing monster-slaying goals.
