
“...¿Has encontrando a otros yo, en las minas? Perdón si ellos fueron hostiles hacia ti. Ya vez, aprendimos a temer a los humanos... han habido muchos... encuentros no placenteros.”
— Krobus

Krobus es el único monstruo amistoso que encontrarás. Él es una Bestia de las sombras que vive en las cloacas porque es muy sensible a la luz solar para ir afuera durante el día.

Él vende una variedad de mercancía.


Krobus no puede ir hacia afuera por el sol, por lo tanto, siempre puede ser encontrando en las las cloacas.


Krobus siempre vende huevos sombríos, Esencias sombrías y Esencias solares. Una Fruta estelar, Suelo de cristal (Receta), Estatua maldita (Receta) y Cetro de retorno estarán disponibles todos los días (solo) hasta que hayan sido compradas.

Uno que otro objeto de una cantidad específica solo estará disponible para comprar todos los días:

  • Baba los lunes.
  • Omnigeoda los martes.
  • Un Pescado (Cualquier pescado de un conjunto aleatorio) o un Imán los miércoles. Cada objeto tiene una probabilidad de 1/11 de aparecer.
  • Semillas variadas los jueves.
  • Aspersor de iridio los viernes.
  • Un plato de comida elegido al azar a un precio aleatorio de entre data-sort-value="50"> 50o - data-sort-value="500"> 500o los sábados. El Pan tiene una probabilidad de 2/51 de aparecer, los otros objetos tiene una probabilidad de 1/51 de aparecer.
  • Ala de murciélago los domingos.
Imagen Nombre Descripción Día Cantidad Precio Unitario
Huevo sombrío Un huevo negro azabache con motitas rojas. Cálido al tacto. Diario Ilimitado data-sort-value="5000"> 5000o
Void Essence It's quivering with dark energy. Every day 10 data-sort-value="100"> 100o
Solar Essence The glowing face is warm to the touch. Every day 10 data-sort-value="80"> 80o
Slime A shimmering, gelatinous glob with no smell. Monday 50 data-sort-value="10"> 10o
Omni Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you. These geodes contain a wide variety of Minerals. Tuesday 1 data-sort-value="300"> 300o
Fish or Magnet
  Atún blanco

  Siluro   Dorado


  Bacalao largo   Sábalo


  Trucha tigre   Tilapia



Wednesday 5 data-sort-value="200"> 200o
Mixed Seeds There's a little bit of everything here. Plant them and see what grows! Thursday 10 data-sort-value="30"> 30o
Iridium Sprinkler Waters the 24 adjacent tiles every morning. Friday 1 data-sort-value="10000"> 10 000o
Cooked Dishes
  Botín otoñal

  Pescado asado   Estofado de judías   Tarta de arándanos   Pan   Sorpresa de carpa   Coliflor gratinada   Pastel de chocolate   Desayuno inglés   Galletas   Espagueti   Anguila picante   Sopa de trucha   Pastel rosa   Pizza   Bandeja de raíces   Ensalada

  Salsa de grosellas

  Perca crujiente 24px Plato de alta mar   Berenjena al parmesano   Almuerzo de granjero   Taco de pescado   Calamares fritos   Anguila frita   Huevo frito   Setas salteadas   Bollo extraño   Relleno   Estofado vegetal   Sopa de calabaza   Plato rojo   Banquete de salmón   Sashimi

  Ñames glaseados

  Croquetas de patata   Helado   Almuerzo de la suerte   Rollitos maki   Capricho de minero   Tortilla   Tortitas   Sopa de chirivía   Bocaditos de pimiento   Supercomida   Hamburguesa   Tarta de ruibarbo   Arroz con leche   Sopa Tom Kha   Tortilla de maíz

Saturday 5 data-sort-value="50"> 50o -data-sort-value="500"> 500o
Bat Wing The material is surprisingly delicate. Sunday 10 data-sort-value="30"> 30o
Stardrop A mysterious fruit that empowers those who eat it. The flavor is like a dream... a powerful personal experience, yet difficult to describe to others. Every day (until purchased) 1 data-sort-value="20000"> 20 000o
Crystal Floor Recipe Blueprints for crafting a Crystal Floor Recipe Every day (until purchased) 1 data-sort-value="500"> 500o
Wicked Statue Recipe Blueprints for crafting a Wicked Statue Recipe Every day (until purchased) 1 data-sort-value="1000"> 1000o
Return Scepter The golden handle quivers with raw potential. Hold this scepter to the sky and return home at will. Every day (until purchased) 1 data-sort-value="2000000"> 2 000 000o


Krobus is a shadow brute and, although he isn't hostile, still refers to other monsters as "his friends". He lives in the sewers and isn't seen outside interacting with other villagers. He dislikes dwarves, stating that a 1,000 year war between the dwarves and his people recently ended. He believes if the dwarves knew where he was, they'd send an assassin.

The Wizard is aware of his presence and intervenes to prevent conflicts.


Articulo principal: Socializar
Ver también: Lista de todos los regalos

Puedes darle a Krobus hasta dos regalos por semana (Más uno en su cumpleaños), que puede aumentar o disminuir su amistad contigo. Los regalos para su cumpleaños (  1 Invierno) tendrán un efecto amplificado por 8; y mostrará un diálogo único.
Para los regalos amados o gustados, Krobus dirá

“¿Un regalo de cumpleaños? ¡Qué detalle! Me encanta.”
“¡Te has acordado de mi cumpleaños! Gracias. Es genial.”

Para los regalos neutrales, Krobus dirá

“¡Oh, un regalo de cumpleaños! Gracias.”

Para regalos disgustados u odiados, Krobus dirá

“Oh... ¿Por mi cumpleaños? Gracias...”


“This is an amazing gift. For my people it is a great honor to receive something like this.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Diamond A rare and valuable gem. Mining
Iridium Bar A bar of pure iridium.   Horno   Mena de iridio (5)  Carbón
Pumpkin A fall favorite, grown for its crunchy seeds and delicately flavored flesh. As a bonus, the hollow shell can be carved into a festive decoration. Farming - Fall
Void Egg A jet-black egg with red flecks. It's warm to the touch. Void Chickens
Void Mayonnaise A thick, black paste that smells like burnt hair.   Mayonesera   Huevo sombrío (1)
Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. Foraging - Spring


“Thank you very much.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Gold Bar A bar of pure gold.   Horno   Mena de oro (5)  Carbón
Quartz A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines. Foraging - Mines


“Thank you.”
Image Name Description Source


“Humans have... interesting tastes.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Chanterelle A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom Slightly nutty, with a good texture Foraging - Fall
Daffodil A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut That's one big hazelnut! Foraging - Fall
Holly The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. Foraging - Winter
Leek A tasty relative of the onion. Foraging - Spring
Life Elixir Restores health to full. Crafting   Chantarela (1)  Colmenilla (1)  Seta roja (1)  Seta lila (1)
Morel Sought after for its unique nutty flavor. Foraging - Fall
Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest. Foraging - Spring
Snow Yam This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. Foraging - Winter
Winter Root A starchy tuber. Foraging - Winter


“Oh... Um. I guess I'll accept it.”
Image Name Description Source


Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Dark Talisman The Wizard asked me to retrieve the magic ink from his ex-wife's house... but to gain access I'll need a dark talisman. Enter the sewer and ask Krobus about the dark talisman. Railroad cutscene (after completing Community Center or Joja Warehouse tasks) Speak to Krobus and then venture through to the Mutant Bug Lair to retrieve the talisman. Return to the cave at the Railroad with it once it's collected.


  • Krobus states that his name means "bridge-crosser" in his language.
  • Krobus hates being gifted a Strange Bun, however Shadow Brutes in the mine drop them.
  • Krobus also states that he cannot go out of the sewers during day, however this means he may go out during night but is never seen.
  • Krobus could technically be considered the only "friendly" monster in the game.
  • Krobus states he remains silent on Fridays out of respect for Yoba.


A Picture of Krobus in the Sewers
