
Robin building.png
Todavía tengo mucho trabajo por hacer
— Robin

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Ultima Edición por Jhordi en 2017-04-10 12:35:42.

“Solo estoy trabajando donde Gus para llegar al fin de mes... pero mi verdadera pasión es la sastrería. Hice estas prendas de vestir desde cero.”
— Emily

Emily es una aldeana que vive en el Pueblo Pelícano. Su hogar está al sur del centro del pueblo, a la derecha de la casa de Jodi, su dirección es Camino del Sauce, 2. La mayoría de las noches trabaja en el Salón Fruta Estelar empezando a las 4:00 PM.

Emily ama hacer sus propias prendas de vestir, pero la tela es muy difícil de conseguir en el pueblo. Su regalo favorito es la Tela y Lana.




Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up for the day
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom and goes to the bookshelf.
4:30 PM Working at the saloon.


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom.
1:00 PM Arrives at Pierre's to meet up with Jodi, Caroline, Marnie, and Robin for exercise.


Time Location
12:00pm Leaves bedroom to stand in front of living room bookshelf.


Time Location
11:30 AM Still in her bedroom at home.


Time Location
11:30 PM In her bedroom.
12:00 PM Leaves bedroom to stand in front of living room bookshelf.
12:30 PM Waiting in her living room.


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom.
12:40 PM Looks at bookshelf in her living room.
9:00 PM In her bedroom (only accessible to friends).


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom.


Time Location
1:20 PM Standing in front of the bookcase in her living room.


Time Location
1:00pm In Pierre's shop, the room adjacent to it training with other women.


Time Location
10:20 AM Standing in her Bedroom
3:10 PM Standing in her living room
4:10 PM Arrives at Saloon


Time Location


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room (only accessible to friends)
12:00 PM Moves and sits in living room


Time Location
3:50 PM Walks through Town Square on her way to Saloon
4:10 PM Arrives at Saloon


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom and goes to the bookshelf.


Time Location


Time Location
9:00 In her room.
10:20 Leaves the house.
11:00 Enters Pierre's General Store
1:00 Joins Arobics Class


Time Location
4:10 PM Enters Saloon


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom and goes to her bookshelf


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom and goes to the bookshelf.
04:00 PM Leaves her house and goes to the saloon.


Time Location


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom and goes to the bookshelf.


Time Location
1:00 PM In living room, looking at bookshelf
3:30 PM Leaves home
4:00 PM Arrives at The Stardrop Saloon


Time Location
11:10 AM Enters Pierre's
1:20 AM Arrives home.


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom
4:30 PM Works at The Stardrop Saloon
Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom, looking at bookshelf


Time Location
3:30 PM Leaves home
12:00 PM Leaves her bedroom


Time Location
12:00 PM Wanders around her house from her bedroom

Most days Emily wakes up at about 9:00 AM, moves around her home for a few hours before leaving for work at the saloon for 3:30 PM. Her shift at the Saloon ends at 12:30 AM when she proceeds home for the night.

Her schedule can deviate from that if there are specific conditions like weather or certain days of the week. Below are her schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example when it rains that schedule will override all others below it)

Time Location Description
9:00 AM 2 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, spends time in bedroom.
12:00 PM 2 Willow Lane Moves around her house.
3:30 PM The Saloon Leaves home to walk to the saloon to work.
12:30 AM 2 Willow Lane Leaves the saloon to head home for the night
Time Location Description
9:00 AM 2 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day
11:00 AM Pierre's General Store Leaves her house to meet Marnie, Caroline, Jodi, and Robin at Caroline's house starting at noon for exercise activites.
1:00 PM Caroline's House Actual exercise begins.
4:00 PM The Saloon Stop exercise class, walks over to the saloon to work.
12:30 AM 2 Willow Lane Leaves the saloon to head home for the night
Winter 11
Time Location Description
9:00 AM 2 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day
10:30 AM Medical Clinic Visit's Harvey's clinic for annual checkup. "Most of us visit the doctor for a yearly check-up."
1:30 PM Medical Clinic Continues checkup. "Doctor, I'd like to go with the 'natural remedy' if possible."
4:00 PM The Saloon Leaves the clinic and walks to the saloon for work
12:30 AM 2 Willow Lane Leaves the saloon to head home for the night
(after restoring the Community Center)
Time Location Description
9:00 AM 2 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, spends time in bedroom.
10:00 AM Community Center Visits the community center. "What a lovely loom. I'm in heaven right now."
3:30 PM The Saloon Goes to the saloon for work
12:30 AM 2 Willow Lane Leaves the saloon to head home for the night
Regular Schedule
Time Location Description
9:00 AM 2 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, spends time in bedroom.
12:00 PM 2 Willow Lane Moves around her house.
3:30 PM The Saloon Leaves home to walk to the saloon to work.
12:30 AM 2 Willow Lane Leaves the saloon to head home for the night
Time Location Description
6:00 AM Kitchen Standing in front of the stove.
8:30 AM Leaving the house. Walking towards town.
9:00 AM Pelican Town Walking towards her home, 2 Willow Lane.
9:40 AM 2 Willow Lane In her home. Walks towards the area to the left of the kitchen.
10:00 AM 2 Willow Lane Stands next to the blue stool and faces the kitchen area.
11:40 PM At home Walks to bed.
11:50 PM In bed Goes to bed. Sleeping.
Time Location Description
6:00 AM The Farm Standing on the front porch, closest to the mailbox.
1:00 PM Enters the house.
1:10 PM At home Moves around the house.
10:00 PM Walks to bed.
10:20 PM In bed Goes to bed. Sleeping.
Time Location Description
6:00 AM Kitchen Standing in front of the stove.
6:20 AM At home Moves around the house.
10:00 PM In bed Goes to bed. Sleeping.
Time Location Description
Time Location Description
11:30 AM At docks Looking out at the sea
Time Location Description
Time Location Description
10:00 PM At home. Goes to bed.


Emily lives with her sister Haley, and together they and care for their parents home, who have been traveling the world for the past two years. She works with Gus, who employs her part time at the saloon. She is also friends with Sandy, whom they both mention. Sandy, at her first meeting with the player, claims to have been aware of the farmer's presence even before access to Calico Desert was opened, saying that she had written to Emily about the newcomer.

In a quest, Clint asks to deliver an amethyst to Emily on his behalf.


Articulo principal: Socializar
Ver también: Lista de todos los regalos

Puedes darle a Emily hasta dos regalos por semana (Más uno en su cumpleaños), que puede aumentar o disminuir su amistad contigo. Los regalos para su cumpleaños (  27 Primavera) tendrán un efecto amplificado por 8; y mostrará un diálogo único.
Para los regalos amados o gustados, Emily dirá

“¿Un regalo de cumpleaños? ¡Qué detalle! Me encanta.”
“¡Te has acordado de mi cumpleaños! Gracias. Es genial.”

Para los regalos neutrales, Emily dirá

“¡Oh, un regalo de cumpleaños! Gracias.”

Para regalos disgustados u odiados, Emily dirá

“Oh... ¿Por mi cumpleaños? Gracias...”


“This gift is fabulous! Thank you so much!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Amethyst A purple variant of quartz. Mining
Aquamarine A shimmery blue-green gem. Mining
Cloth A bolt of fine wool cloth. Artisan Goods   Lana
Emerald A precious stone with a brilliant green color. Mining
Jade A pale green ornamental stone. Mining
Ruby A precious stone that is sought after for its rich color and beautiful luster. Mining
Survival Burger A convenient snack for the explorer. Cooking   Pan (1)  Zanahoria cavernaria (1)  Berenjena (1)
Topaz Fairly common but still prized for its beauty. Mining
Wool Soft, fluffy wool. Sheep, Rabbit


“Thank you! I'm feeling a positive energy from this gift”
Image Name Description Source
Daffodil A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. Foraging - Spring
Quartz A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines. Foraging - Mines


Image Name Description Source
Chanterelle A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom Slightly nutty, with a good texture Foraging - Fall
Dandelion Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut That's one big hazelnut! Foraging - Fall
Leek A tasty relative of the onion. Foraging - Spring
Morel Sought after for its unique nutty flavor. Foraging - Fall
Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. Foraging - The Mines
Snow Yam This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root A starchy tuber. Foraging - Winter


“Sorry, (Name). I don't like this.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Fried Eel Greasy but flavorful. Cooking   Anguila (1)  Aceite (1)
Ice Cream Everyone likes this. Cooking   Leche (1)  Azúcar (1)
Rice Pudding Everyone likes this. Cooking   Leche (1)  Azúcar (1)  Arroz (1)
Salmonberry A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest. Foraging - Spring
Spicy Eel It's really spicy! Be careful. Cooking   Anguila (1)  Chile (1)


“This gift has a strong negative energy. I can't stand it.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Fish Taco It smells delicious. Cooking   Atún (1)  Tortilla de maíz (1)  Lombarda (1)  Mayonesa (1)
Holly The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. Foraging
Maki Roll Fish and rice wrapped in seaweed. Cooking   Pescado (cualquier) (1)  Alga (1)  Arroz (1)
Salmon Dinner The lemon spritz makes it special. Cooking   Salmón (1)  Amaranto (1)  Col rizada (1)
Sashimi Raw fish sliced into thin pieces. Cooking   Pescado (cualquier) (1)

Heart Events

Two Hearts


Enter Emily's house when she is home.

Emily is asleep in her room. The screen pans and fades, and you find yourself viewing Emily's dream. It's a dreamscape of abstract shapes and colors, clouds, and palm trees. Emily floats above a purple stone structure on a large cloud. She is floating, meditating and chanting "power words." You appear out of the cloud, surprising her. She wonders what you are doing in her dream. Rainbow streaks fly by and she sees them as some kind of sign or omen. You disappear and she wakes up. She gets out of bed and says to herself that there is something special about you; she believes that your destinies are somehow intertwined.


Three Hearts


After reaching 3 hearts with Emily she will send you a recipe in the mail. She will also begin to send you gifts.

Image Recipe / Item Description
Salad Flip this letter over for instructions on how to make a super-healthy meal!
You'll feel energized. See you soon.
Sea Urchin Hi!
How are you doing? I hope you enjoy the gift I've sent you... Well, goodbye!

Four Hearts


Enter town on a sunny day. Cannot be triggered in winter.

Emily leaves her house on a sunny day. Three parrots fly by, and she waves and refers to them as her "friends". After a moment, she continues walking but quickly stops, confused. A fourth parrot flys in too low and smacks against the window of her house. The parrot is injured. Emily rushes over and cradles the poor thing, promising that she will take care of it. Emily will now have a parrot in her room. The parrot hops around and will squawk if you go up to it and press the "check" button.

(If you marry Emily, the parrot will move into your house as well.)

Six Hearts


Visit Emily's house when she's there.


You'll enter Emily's room. She tells you that she is excited to show you her secret hobby that she has been working on for a long time. She'll then proceed to turn on her stereo and begin dancing for you. After the lights and music end it will ask you what you thought of the performance. You have three choices:

• "That was amazing!" +25 friendship points.
• "That was embarrassing..." -50 friendship points.
(Say nothing and do a slow clap) +25 friendship points.

This event was formerly Emily's four heart event, it was changed in version 1.1. In that update it got a new unique song and dialogue, as well as animation and visual improvements.

Seven Hearts


After reaching 7 hearts with Emily she will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Red Plate Flip this letter over for instructions on how to make a super-healthy meal!
You'll feel energized. See you soon.

Eight Hearts


A letter in the mail will invite the player to the Mayor's Manor that same day during open hours.

Emily will send you a letter in the Mail, inviting you to attend her "Clothing Therapy" session:

I have this crazy new idea that I want to involve you in... It's called "Clothing Therapy".

Please come to the Mayor's house today to see what it's all about.

Love, Emily”

Enter the Mayor's house. Emily will explain the purpose is to help the townspeople express their true selves in the form of clothing. Attending are Mayor Lewis, Abigail, Shane, Robin, and Clint. Each one takes a turn going behind the curtain. Emily instructs them to choose whatever clothes "speaks to them", put it on and then show the world without fear. One by one, you get to see each character's choice. Shane puts on a full "goth" outfit. Robin puts on a fine dress and lets her hair down, embracing her feminine side. Mayor Lewis comes out with a fancy hat, cape, and cane. Abigail comes out in a full suit of armor. Clint is apprehensive about the whole thing, but after Emily coaxes him, he goes ahead. He comes out in a button-up shirt, pink shorts and a beret. Emily sees it and says "Awww... cute!", which makes Clint depressed. After he is gone, Emily approaches you with romantic interest. Clint bursts in, saying he's too embarrassed to go out in his new outfit. He sees what's going on and feels awful. He makes some indirect remarks about it and leaves. Emily is confused.

Ten Hearts


A letter will invite the player to meet Emily in the Secret Woods after 10pm that night. (Note: If it is raining or a festival day, the event will trigger on the following night.)

You go camping with Emily in the Secret Woods. There is strange grunting coming from the forest. She says it's cold and snuggles up close to you by the fire. A bear comes out of the woods and approaches your campsite. It grunts loudly and you both jump and dive into the tent. The bear sniffs around and leaves. Emily says that one of the sleeping bags is still out there, and she's not willing to go out and get it... so you have to share a bag. You hear movement in the tent, the screen fades and the day ends.

The next day, the player receives a letter from Emily, saying

“Dear [Player],

I had a great time last night. I'm actually kinda glad the bear showed up!

Love, Emily”

Note that if you have not yet upgraded to the Steel Axe, you won't be able to get to the Secret Woods to complete this event. However, the event can still trigger on a subsequent night after 10pm by going to the Secret Woods once you've gained access.



When given the Mermaid's Pendant

“...!!! I accept!! ... I'll set everything up. We'll have the ceremony in 3 days, okay?”
“Can you believe we're about to move in together? I've never lived with anyone but my family. It's... exciting.”

When in love / Living on the farm

“I got up early and watered some crops for you. I hope it makes your job a little easier today. I also filled <pet's name> water bowl.”
“You're doing great work, <spouse name>. Keep it up.”
“It was our destiny to be together... I believe that with all my heart!”
“My horoscope for the day isn't too good... but I'm going to make the best of it, as always. Let's get to work!”
“Another beautiful day on <farm name>... I have faith that something good will happen today!”
“I love getting up early. There's a certain freshness to the air and the wildlife is much more active.”
“Every moment has a unique and precious beauty... do you notice? It can be easy to forget, sometimes.”
“I meant to let the parrot go free, but his wing never fully healed. He seems content, though. I give him lots of attention. He told me that he's happy here.”
“I'm going to spend some time with the parrot today. It breaks my heart that he'll never fly again.”
“Oooh! Ooh! I saw another one! I'm counting squirrels.”
“Ah, that aroma! It can only be you. It's a good smell.”
“A little sunlight is good for you. Just don't get crispy, okay?”
“Hey, someone must've gotten a good night of sleep... you look fresh this morning.”
“Is that a new hole I see in your shirt? I can sew that up for you, no problem.”
“Our vibrational energies are perfectly in tune. Can't you feel it?”
“It's a very cozy house... I like it.”
“What's on the agenda today, dear?”
“Are we doing okay on money, <spouse name>?”
“I don't really feel like doing anything today.”

On a rainy day

“I wonder where the flying insects go when it rains? Don't they get hit by the raindrops?”
“Certain spirits only appear in the rain. Maybe you've heard their cries?”

At night

“I swept the whole house, washed the windows, dusted, and cleaned the fridge. It was a very productive day!”
“My day went well... it's good to get out of the house now and then.”
“Welcome home, <spouse name>. I hope you had a wonderful day.”
“Is it bed time already? My, the day just floated away from me again.”

When meditating in her crystal garden

“This is my favorite spot for a morning meditation. I visualize the energy from this crystal garden flowing through my body.”

After marriage, before leaving the farm

“I'm going to visit town today, and later on I'm going to help out at the saloon. Have a nice day.”

After marriage, while working at the Saloon

“Gus seems to have problems organizing everything without me around.”

Seasonal, After Marriage

On the 1st of Fall

“The year's already half-way over. Can you believe it?”

In the fall

“Our bodies are naturally in tune with the seasons. This light and color of fall compels us to prepare for the barren winter. To our distant ancestors, this feeling was encompassing and vital. For us, it only barely peeks through the noise of modern life.”
“Winter's just around the corner. We need to double check the heating system, turn off the valves, and check all the insulation in the house. Don't worry, I'll take care of it all.”

The day before the Stardew Valley Fair

“Have you figured out what you're going to use for our grange display tomorrow?”

Before Marriage

At Home

“I feel bad for Linus. People judge him, but he's just living a different lifestyle. I wish everyone could learn to be accepting of others.”

At Home (8+ Hearts)

“Hi,[Player]! We've become decent friends, haven't we? This may sound weird, but I've always been certain this would happen.”

Doctor Visit

“Doctor, I'd like to go with the 'natural remedy' if possible.”



  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added ability to marry, updated heart events, dialogue and schedule.

